Chemical color production

Customised Solutions


Our colour experts are there to support you with their experience and know-how through all the stages on the journey to your finished decor paper colour. We produce laminates and, using a trained eye in combination with modern analysis methods, our staff determine whether the colour shade you would like meets the objectives. Our Günzach site is both a centre for colour matching and also specialises in intensive-coloured papers.

This is where we have successfully produced over 7,000 coloured paper grades in recent years – and this is where you can count on your colour wishes becoming reality.

The latest colour trends

Customised colour

If you have a very particular idea about the special colour shade you would like, our experts will draw upon their vast storehouse of experience to fulfil your wish as accurately as possible. They have the latest equipment available in our colour labs, enabling them to analyse colour samples and achieve the right blend of organic and inorganic pigments. This development-intensive process comes at a price, but it also has an advantage: the colour produced in this way will be genuinely unique.

Do you have a colour match request?